Art imitating nature....a mug of my mothers (love the colors) and
it happens to go well with a bowl of oranges and green apples)
Just a juxtoposition of flowers on my butcherblock in the kitchen.
Have so many flowers this year in the garden!
Well Bonjour!
I am back to the world of blogging....almost 1 year. So i am reintroducing myself to the land of the blog.
In the past year my children have grown 1 year older and have taken most all of my time... i took a step back and concentrated on them, they grow up so fast:( blogging was just one thing that had to go. But hopefully i will stay on track this time.
I have kept the creativity flowing and have done quite a few projects, but just didn't have time or the the inclination to post, sometimes when you feel like noone is watching (which they weren't in the case) it is easy to let things slide. I have so many ideas floating around in my head i thought i needed to start writing them down again and chronicling all of my projects....
Anyhoo, i have added a new gadget to my list of implements. A new
Babylock Ellure sewing machine...i figured that sewing is in my blood I am self taught since high school and i should get something nice to sew with....
sewwww i did. My wonderful husband got it for me for our anniversary/mothers day...I am so lucky. I don't know how happy he is though since i moved my "studio" into the basement, HIS domain. Because lugging this hunk of a machine up and down the stairs was not going to cut i can leave a project instead of cleaning it up every time! OH well. I do more laundry now:):) I will post pics of the little studio space later when it is clean,
I have banged out quite a few things with it so far and am still learning the ins and outs. I will post those at a later date, when i get the photos off of my camera, but for now. I wanted to say "bonjour" again.
In the morning,