Monday, June 29, 2009

Designing for myself is FUN!

Designing is Fun!

I had some time today to play with this design. The Pattern Feature in Illustrator ROCKS! It is a pain trying to get it all to line up...but in the end it is much easier.

This design is called"Summer Lattice" for the time 5 different colorways that I am feeling today. I am not the most creative when it comes to naming things and wording.

I am trying to decide which color to print on spoonflower. I think it would make a really nice classic print and I have about 10 more colorways i want to try....trying to reign in my design isn't the easiest thing in the world...but i am trying.

Which color would you like most?


in the morning, G

Friday, June 26, 2009

Hot Off the Press!

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Entire Wedding Suite with Letterpress Plates

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Here are the wedding invitations that I designed for my good friend Todd and his soon to be wife Liz. I am so excited about the design and I hope they are too :)

The dots emulate vines in a way, and it is also contemporary look, which compliments the couple to be. Plus the impression of the dots is great for letterpress. I am so happy they chose this design.

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Look at that impression! My little Pearl Press did a good job!

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What shall I name this design suite.....any ideas????


In the Morning, G

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Baby Shower invitation

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Just a invitation that I designed for my dear friend's brother. They are about to have their first child...a girl, and I was asked to design the baby shower invites. The shower was at a family home on the intercoastal waterway in Charleston, SC and her brother likes to fish, so it was only fitting that I illustrate a little girl on the dock scoring her first fish!

For the present I printed out the illustration on ink jet printable fabric , you can find it online at Dharma Trading and made a little pillow with pink rick rack trim and a green flannel back. Of course I thought of doing this right before we left for charleston, so I didn't take pictures, but it turned out beautifully.

In the morning,

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

First Textile Design....Spoonflower

Fabric Design

Fabric Design

So Here is my first design PRINTED by Spoonflower I am calling
it "Bauble" in the Green Tea colorway. I have not yet decided what I am going to create but I have narrowed it down to 2 things....stay tuned!

In the morning,

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Back from the Beach...SIGH...

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Jeddis on the beach

We are back from our family vaca at the beach...what a week. WHEW! It was so much fun being with family and friends, but boy i need a vacation from my vacation. Vacationing with children is amazing and TIRING. We went to Folly Beach and halfway thru the week got transfered to another house because the house we were staying in had electrical problems YIKES. It was a beautiful house on the outside but it seems as though it was having a problem producing enough electcricity for the entire house. SO we got to stay marsh side with the beautiful sunsets for half of the week and on the ocean with ocean breezes the other, so it worked out beautifully.

we lost a day moving houses but it was worth it. (even though my small attempt at organization was blown out the window when we moved DURING a vacation.) I only forgot my camera charger in when we left today! Which is par for the course because i ALWAYS forget some sort of electronic device when i go away.

I also had fun playing with my camera i actually took it off AUTO and played with shutterspeed, etc. It really makes a big difference.

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My Little TowHeads

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Write your own caption...I really wonder what is
going on in that little mind of hers.

All in all I feel recharged and ready to CREATE....I will post about the new projects that were conceptuallized at the beach....

In the morning, G

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Switching Gears...literally

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Ink, Paper, and press in the back ground ready to get started

So, I also design and print letterpress.

My most generous father gave it to me when i was in my letterpress faze, but i still LOVE to do it, it is just more time consuming than sewing (as in the set up and clean up, you can't just leave anything.) SO I don't do it as much as i would like, but on the occasion i do. Read more about it here and here.

You would be right if you think that i sure do jump around to all sorts of design endeavors. .I am very ADD when it comes to design, I know just a little of everything to be very dangerous and expensive...Everybody now....POOR SCOTT!!!! old friend of mine is getting married in August and I have designed the invites for he and his soon to be new wife. I letterpressed the envelopes tonight so that they can get to the fun task of addressing all of those bad boys! I am so excited how the envelopes turned out and can't wait for the whole invite suite to come together, but here is a sneak peak.

Oh and the craziest thing happened...when i pulled the very last envelope there was this huge clap of thunder and someone was saying with hands on hips "uh, huh, that's right...your good"!

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Printing On the press

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Packed and ready to go

In the Morning,

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

And the sewing begins....

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Sew (I love to say that!)
Here is a dress i made from some of the fabric i bought....I LOVE this print is is from Fabric Finders #465 (I really think it should have a name, like swirly dots, but anyhoo i digress. ) I am really into boatnecks, and pillowcases and my new sewing machine, so this was the my attempt. I had never done a boat neck before, so i looked at one of Eliza's dresses and here is my first attempt...there are a couple of things i would do differently, but i think it is a good first try. (you be the judge)

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And the embellishment on the bottom is one of the stitches from my machine,
so much fun to hit start and get such good stitches.

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Anyway, enjoy. More to come...
BTW: Aren't my hydrangeas beautiful...i LOVE them in May. I wait all year for big scrumptious bouquets of BLUE, BLUE pillows of petals!

In the morning, G

Monday, June 8, 2009

oh the things i will do....

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Well, I mentioned the many projects and ideas i have swirling in my head...well here goes on the list and maybe this will hold me accountable to getting them done by the end of the summer. I went to my FAVORITE place Farmhouse Fabrics in Beech Island, SC i wrote about it here 2 years ago (and only like 10 posts ago which is REALLY horrible...i promise i will be better)
Anyway, they have grown so much since then and have SOOOOO much stuff. I recommend going with a list:) Since they really are not a store and do most business by the internet they don't have regular store hours...they have started an opening their doors the first Friday of each month from 9-3. So i dropped the kids off at grandmas (THANKS GRANDMA) and went on my merry way.
Well worth the 1 hr. 45 min drive from Columbia.
Here are some of the things i got...and the projects to start. They have started their own line of rickrack bias, bias tape, and piping. Sally(the owner) is so resourceful and thought all of the fabric they carry needs matching notions and she went about having it manufactured. So no more making your own bias, which can be time consuming for the stay at home mom who has trouble fitting in sewing to begin with!!!!
SO here are my finds....i wanted to buy so much husband is happy i didn't:)

In the morning, G
And so the fun begins

4th of July projects ...Can't wait to make a dress and johnjohns. MMMMM!

Baby Blanket Blank (can't wait to embroider something on this oh so soft blanket.

Planning on a flouncy little top for with this beautiful bit of lawn fabric

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Back to the land of blogging

Art imitating nature....a mug of my mothers (love the colors) and
it happens to go well with a bowl of oranges and green apples)

Just a juxtoposition of flowers on my butcherblock in the kitchen.
Have so many flowers this year in the garden!

Well Bonjour!
I am back to the world of blogging....almost 1 year. So i am reintroducing myself to the land of the blog.

In the past year my children have grown 1 year older and have taken most all of my time... i took a step back and concentrated on them, they grow up so fast:( blogging was just one thing that had to go. But hopefully i will stay on track this time.
I have kept the creativity flowing and have done quite a few projects, but just didn't have time or the the inclination to post, sometimes when you feel like noone is watching (which they weren't in the case) it is easy to let things slide. I have so many ideas floating around in my head i thought i needed to start writing them down again and chronicling all of my projects....
Anyhoo, i have added a new gadget to my list of implements. A new Babylock Ellure sewing machine...i figured that sewing is in my blood I am self taught since high school and i should get something nice to sew with....sewwww i did. My wonderful husband got it for me for our anniversary/mothers day...I am so lucky. I don't know how happy he is though since i moved my "studio" into the basement, HIS domain. Because lugging this hunk of a machine up and down the stairs was not going to cut i can leave a project instead of cleaning it up every time! OH well. I do more laundry now:):) I will post pics of the little studio space later when it is clean, Ahemm.
I have banged out quite a few things with it so far and am still learning the ins and outs. I will post those at a later date, when i get the photos off of my camera, but for now. I wanted to say "bonjour" again.

In the morning,