Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Today is a very unique day. I went to get a massage today (not something I do often, but hey, I had a gift certificate) as I was writing the date on my check it struck me...9.9.09. I had a flashing thought back to the 3rd grade when my teacher said. You know today is unlike any other day, it can never be duplicated or changed, it is a day like none other. I think there was some sort of lesson in that (evidently there was because I remember it!) but today IS unlike any other day, never to be duplicated. As a mom, sometimes you think(at least i know i do) that I am in GroundHog Day, every day is exactly the same...but it isn't. So I am embracing the day.

It is also, I might add, easy to embrace the day when it is GEORGEOUS outside, and my muscles are no longer tense after an hour long massage, and my kids are surprisingly agreeable. But hey whatever it takes.

How are you embracing your day??

Interesting side note...represents the last set of repeating, single-digit dates that we'll see for almost a century (until January 1, 2101), or a millennium (mark your calendars for January 1, 3001),

In the Morning,

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